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US lawmakers agree to delay government shutdown

Washington : US Congressional leaders on Monday agreed to a two-week government funding measure that would push back a shutdown deadline to December 21.

Democrats and Republicans are deadlocked in negotiations over funding President Donald Trump's proposed border wall and have been facing a December 7 deadline to reach a spending deal to avert a partial government shutdown, reports The Hill magazine.

Trump has demanded $5 billion for the wall, while congressional Democrats are unwilling to provide more than $1.6 billion for border security that's included in a previous funding bill.

Following the death of former President George H.W. Bush, lawmakers postponed a series of votes for his memorials and funeral, leaving little time to hammer out an agreement.

The two-week stopgap measure, known as a continuing resolution, would extend current funding levels and make December 21 the new deadline for reaching a long-term spending deal.

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